Allied Academies

Mr Espeed Khoshbin

Mr Espeed Khoshbin
Newcastle University, Cardio thoracic Surgery, United Kingdom

Mr Espeed Khoshbin is a Consultant Cardiac Surgeon and a senior lecturer at Newcastle University, United Kingdom. He is a Fellow of the Intercollegiate Royal Collages of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. He trained in cardiopulmonary transplantation through the national fellowship scheme at Freeman Hospital United Kingdom and traveling (ISHLT) scholarship in the United States (UCLA). He has a doctoral research degree in ECMO. His scientific interest is in reducing the systemic inflammatory response associated with extracorporeal circulation. He also has experience with the use of robotic technology in cardiac surgery. He is a faculty member of the international aspects of cardiothoracic transplantation course in Newcastle and the Manchester University speciality training academy and cadaveric course. He is a reviewer for the National Institute of Health Research, member of the Cochrane heart and editor/reviewer for a number of peer review journals.

Research Interest

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Robotic surgery, VATS and airway Management and also in pectus repairs and trauma surgery

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